Monday Jan 08, 2024

Episode 97 | ”So, You Dropped The Pack?”

The guys start by getting caught up on how they bought in their New Year’s. Damon’s turning over his roles as he’s waiting to hear what his next command is. Damo talks about returning to work following an extended period of leave. He also talks about coming back and having to directly deal with adversity. The internet was set ablaze last week with the unsealed Jeffrey Epstein documents and Katt Williams’ viral interview. The crew of the USS Carney were awarded the Combat Action Ribbon for their actions in the Red Sea. The US Army has ended a policy that allows Soldiers to store vehicles and household goods for free while deployed. A new system promising to improve shipments of household goods has been delayed. Is it finally over for Fat Leonard? Royal Caribbean is currently hosting a 9-month cruise, which sounds crazy, but we pretty much do it all the time, with fewer perks. Do Better: The iPhone alarm/ electricians fighting over material ownership (Damo). Being more proactive with assignments from school (Damon). Do Better leads to a question about how we can prioritize, encourage, support, measure, and evaluate training. The guys break down OSTC and Vessel Exception, expounding on the concepts that were introduced in Ep. 96. What are some things an LCPO may want their Sailors to gain from the NJP process? Should Sailors always receive the same disciplinary reward if they committed the same offense or is there a case-by-case basis that should be considered? Damon and Damo reflect on the most useless pieces of equipment they ever had to use at work. Is the USN a “what have you done for me lately” organization? Is that Damon with the surprise book review? Let’s go! Remember to follow the ‘Permission to Speak Freely’ podcast on TikTok, Facebook, Discord, Instagram, and Twitter, and subscribe on YouTube.



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Links and more from this Episode:


USS Carney Sailors awarded for battling Houthi attacks - USS Carney sailors awarded for battling Houthi attacks in Red Sea


Army no longer storing cars for deployed Soldiers -


New system to improve shipments of household goods - New system to improve shipments of troops’ household goods delayed


Fat Leonard is back in court -




Damo’s Book of the Week:


Be The Dad She Needs You To Be (Dr. Kevin Leman) -




Additional Credits:

PTSF “Theme Music” - Produced by Lim0

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